About Us

What is THE EDGE?

THE EDGE is a conviction. It’s where we stand to save the lost. It’s stepping away from our comfortable pews to bring God to the world. It’s following Jesus’ example to minister to the outcasts, the overlooked, the forgotten.

THE EDGE is about relationship, not religion. It’s God’s power being stronger and God’s love running deeper than anything people face. It’s being fearless in the face of adversity and willing to look the devil in the eye and say, “You can’t have him or her anymore.”

We are authors, Christians, people walking by faith. We are THE EDGE.


“Jesus Christ is the only way to salvation. (Jn 14:6) He died on the cross and was resurrected from the grave. (Jn 3:16;Jn 11:25)

We believe in the triune God: Father, Son and Holy Ghost. (Mt 28:19;1Jn 5:7)

We believe God loves everyone and offers forgiveness to everyone, that God is merciful. (Jn 3:16;Ps 116:5;Deu 7:9)

We are not one particular domination, but focus our writings on Christ as the unity of all believers.

We believe the Bible is the unalterable Word of God. (2Ti 3:16-17)

We believe marriage is between one man and one woman. We believe men and women are of unchangeable gender. We believe all life is valuable, including and especially the unborn. (Ge 1:27;Rm 1:25-27;Ps 139:15-16)

We believe regardless of where you've been, what you've done, or what mistakes you've made, God loves you. (1Jn 4:8,16)"


  1. Good Morning!

    I found out about your company/service this morning on Facebook and am so excited!

    I have written edgy Christian fiction my entire career and never thought to offer the kind of service you are. I congratulate you.

    I would love to extend an invitation to The Edge Books and EACH of your authors to be featured on my blog which received over 7000 page views last month.

    Please pass this information on to the authors and have them contact me.

    Thank you and may God bless your endeavors.

    Peace & Blessings!


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